Moving Histories: An International Symposium on Screened History

Moving Histories: An International Symposium on Screened History was an online symposium held in 2022. The event brought together leading scholars in the field of film and history with support from the University of Windsor, SSHRC Connection, and the Canadian Ministry of Heritage under their Initiative for Digital Citizen Research (2020-2023). Videos of presentations are available below.

Read the essays that emerged from these presentations in The Routledge Companion to History and the Moving Image (2023), co-edited by Marnie Hughes-Warrington, Kim Nelson, and Mia E.M. Treacey.

(link to book on books page or directly to publisher site)

Information relating to each day and session - and a link to the recording are available below.

Presenters - links will open in a new window the presenter profile page (biographies and abstracts)

Session recording - link will open in new window and take you the video on Vimeo

Papers (draft) - links will open in a new window the presenter’s draft paper (as submitted for the symposium)

Day 2

Session 5

Session 6

Session 3